Laws of Karmas and destiny

Everything depends on your own decision. With right decision and right approach one can get many things. The ability to achieve is given to everyone by God. With the proper use of that ability one can move towards the height of progress and reach at the top. The only need is to have firm determination and work with competence. We reap the rewards of karma as per the karma performed. Reaping the rewards of Karma is nothing but re-morphing of our karmas. If karmas are re-morphed in right direction, human beings can achieve divinity.

In different communities good works have been defined differently. But in general, good works are those actions that do not harm anyone. Here, it is worth mentioning two things. First, if nobody is harmed then the question of harming anybody else does not arise. Second, one should not harm himself as well. If human beings are conscious about these two points, they can become best from better. Our acts become virtuous when we become habitual of doing things keeping in mind the interest of others, and we do not harm anyone for our own personal interest. When we overcome the evil tendency of committing atrocities on others, the feeling of kindness comes in us. As a result of this human values will grow within us. When human values within us become strong, we develop the tendency to see others happy, and thus the feeling of kindness along with tendency to help others grows. This way soon we will climb on the ladders of divinity by suppressing evils within us. This way where there is presence of three virtues namely suppression, kindness and tendency to help, no sin will be committed, and that only virtues will prevail. There is very interesting fact attached with it, result of these virtuous acts will be achieved with patience and they will be converted into goodness. After reaping the rewards of these good karmas, we will again get inspired to do noble works and reap the rewards of these noble actions.

When above mentioned all the three virtues or any one of them is missing, Kriyamana karma of the man gets adulterated. Human beings are bound to face the consequences of the karmas performed. Human beings by the dint of their karmas get heavenly happiness as well as sufferings of the hell, and reap the rewards of their actions. When human beings confine themselves within the limits of the worldly pleasures then they not only forget their objectives but also get into several kinds of illness.

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Last updated on 22-02-2025
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